With the help of our faithful Tourist Information Lady, Carmdlita, from KK, we have managed to sort out a very good deal on our Turtle Island visist, as this trip was renowned for being very expensive. We boarded our boat and headed out to sea for a 45 minute, very fast and bumpy journey, towards this beautiful coral Island. The sky was slightly overcast when we left, but soon brightened up as we approached this stunning jewel of an Island, in the middle of the ocean with turquiose blue waters lapping up to the white coral sands.
Turtle Island. ......................................................... Two young trainee Burmese 'leg fishermen'
Our day of arrival is fairly free with only a presentation video at 6.30pm, so we hire masks and snorkels and spend our time before lunch, on the beach collecting shells and snorkelling amongst the coral reef. There was a very nice shallow reef off the beach with everything from the odd stingray to sea slugs, with hundreds of colourful fish in between. Once the children were in the sea, snorkelling, it was impossible to get them out! Imogen managed to put together a large collection of sea slugs, which, when picked up out of the water, had this amazing ability of squirting water out of one end, probably as a defence mechanism. This seemed to amuse the boys no end and soon turned into a live water pistol fight!! They were then put back with care, more or less in the same position they had been for the last 200 years, to continue their search for 'Heston Blumenthal' does sand!!!
After a welcome lunch we were talking to one of the staff members, a very pleasant and friendly lady and as we were the last to leave, she called us over to walk through the kitchen where one of the men had two baby turtles to show the children. Wanting to keep it very quiet, as there was not suposed to be any contact with the turtles, they handed them to the children for them to release into the sea. The children were more than ecstatic as they held the two baby turtles and carefully walked down to the beach to release them. Once released, the two turtles scrambled across the white, hot sandy beach, racing to the cool waters edge and finding the sea, they started frantically swimming for their new life in the ocean. You could see their tiny heads bobbing out of the water for some considerable distance until they eventually disappeared into the shimmering blue horizon. This certainly made the trip all worth while in the childrens eyes.
Fortunately the Turtle call came at around 8.30pm, so we all rushed, with torches, to the beach to witness the first Green Turtle laying its eggs. The Turtle was huge and had apparently already been laying for about an hour. Seventy Nine eggs were laid in total and as she was laying, the eggs were being taken out of the hole, unbeknown to her as she was more or less in a state of trance, ready to be 'planted' in the nursery to prepare for hatching. The Turtle, unaware that the eggs had been removed would cover the empty nest with sand in the usual way and return to the sea. By removing the eggs, they would be safe from predators such as the Monitor Lizard that would dig them out for food and also from local people that would sell them in the market for a good price. The eggs could now be monitered and released when the young hatched in a safe environment which would give a much better chance of survival rate.

We eventually arrived at the 'Wild West' town of Semporna, booked in to the not so celubriase CIty Inn Hotel in china town, which comprised a large but very basic room. Clearly the electrician had not quite got around to finishing off the electrics that he started some 25 years ago as some of his cables were still exposed in the bathroom. However, at least the hotel manager was considerate enough to put us opposite to the all night disco allowing the dulcet tones of 'Puff Daddy' to gently rock, or 'rap' us to sleep.
The next morning we went in search of dive shops to try to organise some family diving and snorkelling on the Coral Island of Mabul and came across the local fish market where they were selling every type of fish conceivable. Most of them, I am sure, should have been in an aquarium and it was sad to see such colourful fish, such as Puffa Fish, lying there awaiting the frying pan! ............. Still it was quite an experience for the children understanding that the 'sea gypsies' had been brought up to devour anything they could catch!
A Sea Gypsy Township en route.
The 'Seafest Hotel' was the next port of call, although its more prestigious external appearance was rather let down by the 'Faulty Towers' approach inside. We found the we had to pay a deposit before taking occupation of our room .... In the event of damage!! .......... that's a first ...... clearly they had heard news of the children on the grapevine. When we finally got to our room we found a price list of every item of furniture from the toilet seat to the pictures on the wall, .............. this was obviously meant for the 'light fingered' guests who, in the unlucky event of being caught sneaking out the front door with a toilet seat up your jumper!! ............ you knew how much you were going to be in for!!!! .......... a great bit of forward planning! The Hotel had a small swimming pool on the roof which was great for the children but when asking for a towel to dry off, I was promptly brought one, but then asked for my hotel room bath towel as a swap? ........ no bath towel, no pool towel?! .............. I did try to explain to 'Manuel' that to get my bath towel I would have to walk through the hotel soaking wet, into my room to get my bath towel, bring it back out to the pool, swap it, use the new one to dry from the pool, but then I would need another one to have a shower with!! .......'Hkkeeeh' was the best response I could get............ so with true 'Faulty Towers' style ........ I promptly stabbed my forefinger into his eye and explained to the children that he came from Barcelona, ..... he doesn't understand! ........................ We later learnt from our friendly Tourist Lady that Semporna was a bit of a 'cowboy' town full of Philippine immigrants and as a result the contents of the 'Seafest Hotel' were constantly being stolen ............. hence the strange goings on and price lists.
Imogen enjoying the swimming pool ............... and 'bought' fresh fish served at the restaurant
Pirates! ........ or sea gypsies!
Early the next morning Jo and Harry get kitted out with their diving gear and we all climb aboard the 'scuba junkie' boat, heading for the coral Island of Mabul, which was another very fast and bumpy 40 mimute trip. We arrived at the Scuba Junkie stilted pontoon, set amongst other stilted resorts and their long pontoon walkway takes you to the beach front, passing 'sea gypsie' boats and houses to their resort which is set behind the beach. Jo and Harry went off for their first dive off the jetty, with Jack, their divemaster from the Lake District; Harry going over some of his competency skills first, whilst Fred, Imogen and I went off for a guided snorkel with Anne, also from the UK. Visibility was about 18/20m which was not at its best, but the storm of the previous night had churned up the waters slightly. We then do a second dive/snorkel before lunch. Jo and Harry saw sting rays, Turtles and a huge Pharoah Cuttlefish, whilst we saw many beautiful fish, including trumpet fish, golden trumpet fish, trigger fish and Lion Fish. We then walk along the pontoon to the beach resort for a good lunch before all taking the boat out to the reef wall, a large drop off, where Jo and Harry go for their third dive and Fred, Imogen and I snorkel. This time we see many giant Green and Hawksbill Turtles, some resting on small ledges on the side of the wall and others just gracefully swimming by. These Turtles can live to be 50 to 100 years old and are amazing to watch. Imogen is in her element, as is Fred and I hardly get any piece without the constant, muffled, snorkel shouts of "daddy, daddy .... come over here quick!!" or "Daddy, Daddy ........ Turtle!!". It was amazing the way they could still maintain their enthusiastic excitement even after the 12th Turtle. Jo and Harry both thoroughly enjoyed their dives and Harry seemed to take to it very naturually, even though he was probably the weaker swimmer. It was something they all found hugely exhilarating. After the children took a bath in the kit washing tubs, following several somersaults and backward dives off the potoon into the crystal clear waters below, we went in for tea and cake and as Jo got talking to the Manchester couple who we had met a week before, we missed our first boat back to Semporna, but managed to catch the later one.
Fred and Imogen snorkelling off the coral reef at Mabul Island.
Harry attempting a somersault off the jetty. ............ Jo and Harry with Turtle
Fred and Imogen bathing in the 'Regs & Camera' bath tub!
Having survived the trials of the day and now looking more like someone out of 'Top Gun' meets 'Merry Christmas Mr Lawrence', we had a good fish supper with the owner of the restuarant opposite the salon who had come out to see us, before our haircut experience, explaining that he had the best fish restuarant in the whole of Semporna and would give us a good price! ......... Well, he did provide an excellent fish supper and while the boys were waiting for their meal they 'shot' a bit of pool with a couple of lads in leather jackets ...... ........................... and long painted red nails!!!! (don't think the boys noticed!!) ........ not sure exactly what kind of establishment we were in, but three brits on the table next to us assured us that the food was great! We were booked into the local 'Borneo Global Dive' backpackers tonight, as part of my Sipadan package, which was very basic, but I certainly needed a good nights sleep before my Sipadan dive the next day. We all crashed out fairly quickly, ............. however, in the early hours of the morning, unfortunately the dulcet tones of 'Puff Daddy' had now been replaced with a band of five brothers strumming a couple of acoustic guitars who decided to pitch up outside our hotel window, on the side of the street, backing on to a piece of wasteland, and while away the midnight hours, singing, with real commitment, various songs from the 'Jack Johnson' greatest hits collection. ........ Now, when they began their all night free concert, I must admit they did sound rather good and reasonably in tune, and perhaps in another time and place, with Cheryl Cole in tow, I would have considered signing them up as the next 'Simon Cowell' boy band, ........... but by 4.00am in the morning, having now had only about half an hours sleep, I had had enough! ... I completely Iost the plot and jumped out of bed, fumbling in the dark I managed to bash my knee cap on the bed end, ........ that really didn't help with the temper!! ........... I slid the bedroom window open and shouted various expletives out of the window, that would have made 'Puff Daddy' proud, explaining that I had three children in here trying to ****** sleep. The 'Johnson' brothers, who I thought could turn very ugly at this point in time, ...... were infact very apologetic and promptly packed up their guitars jumped in their car and drove off. Meanwhile, the children, who had managed to sleep through the whole musical concert, where now fully awake following my out burst and complaining vociferously about me waking everybody up!! So not only had I lost my chance of signing up the next 'Take That', bashing my knee cap on the bed end, single handedly waking up up all my children and Jo and probably everybody else in the backpackers, but I was now so awake that I couldn't get back to sleep myself, .................. boy was I going to feel great diving Sipadan in 5 hours time!! ............. only one of the top 5 dive sites in the world comprising an extant underwater volcano, with a drop off wall decending some 600m to the sea bed!! ............
I awoke early to catch my lift to Sipadan and following a hearty breakfast, rustled up from a coffee machine (black or white) and a bread bin!? ............ I waited for one other guest to arrive before leaving. They didn't turn up so today was just me and the dive master! Jo, Harry, Fred and Imogen caught the boat over to Mabul Island to do some snorkeling and I was going to get my boat to drop me off at Mabul to meet up with them after my Sipadan Dive ............... assuming I hadn't been eaten by sharks!

'Sipadan photos from another Diver that show the sites'.
Homestay accommodation.
.............. 'Gone Fishing!' ...........
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